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Unwanted Pests Seek Shelter in the Fall

Fall scene outside home in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control


unwanted pests

The Summer is still here and very hot. But remember Fall is not far off. It is a favorite season from many as it signals the beginning of a colorful leaves and cooler weather. But for many unwanted pests including rodents, spiders and cockroaches the change of season indicates the need to find refuge from the cold winter ahead.
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How should I pack when taking a beach vacation

Packing for vacation in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

beach vacation


How should I pack when taking a beach vacation

A beach vacation  gv  has unique qualities that some other types of vacations do not have. With this in mind there are things that you want to remember to pack when taking this type vacation. We know you have clothing, accessories, emergency supplies and everything else, but don’t forget these essentials for your days of fun in the water and sun.
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Hot Summer Days – Safety and Survival

Glaring sun with fan in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



hot summer day

Things are heating up and it is important that we all are aware of the potential health concerns that could affect us during these Hot Summer Days.

What to look for:

Sunburn, Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, and Heat Stroke (Sun Stroke)

Here are the symptoms and some first aid tips:


Symptoms : Skin redness and pain, possible swelling, blisters, fever, and headaches

First Aid :   Take a Shower using soap to remove oils that may block pores preventing the body from cooling naturally. If blisters occur, apply dry, sterile dressings and get medical attention

Heat Cramps

Symptoms : Painful spasms usually in the leg and abdominal muscles. Heavy sweating.

First Aid:  Firm pressure on cramping muscles or gentle massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water, if nausea occurs, discontinue.


Heat Exhaustion

Symptoms: Heavy sweating weakness, skin cold, pale and clammy. Weak pulse. Normal temperature possible, fainting, vomiting

First Aid:  Get victim to lie down in a cool place. Loosen clothing, Apply cool, wet cloths. Fan and move victim in air conditioned place. Give sips of water. If nausea occurs, discontinue, If vomiting occurs, seek immediate medical attention.


Heat Stroke       

Symptoms: High body temperature (106+) Hot dry skin, Rapid, strong pulse. Possible unconsciousness. Victim will likely not sweat.

First aid :  Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency, Call 9-1-1 or emergency medical services or get victim to a hospital immediately. Delay can be fatal. Move the victim to a cooler environment. Try a cool bath or sponging to reduce body temperature. Use extreme caution. Remove clothing. Use fans and air conditioners. Do not give fluids.

Let’s all have a safe and fun Summer, by being on the lookout for these possible heat disorders that can ruin a great day, We at Southern Pest Control hope that all of you and your families have an enjoyable Summer. If you have any pest issues that interfere with your summer fun, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 800 527-9832 . Our trained professionals are always ready to eliminate your pest issues.


Tips to Protect Your Home and Family During the Hurricane Season

Hurricane damaged home in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control
hurricane season
Tips to Protect Your Home and Family During the Hurricane Season

With hurricane season right around the corner (June 1st, FYI), there’s no better time than now to prepare your home and property for mother nature’s wrath. According to the United States Search and Rescue Task Force (USSRTF), roughly half a dozen hurricanes strike the U.S. coastline each year. So, what can you do to protect your home and family during the hurricane season?

Know the Evacuation Routes

As the saying goes, “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” Hopefully, you’ll never have to evacuate, but if a hurricane heads your way, knowing the local routes will facilitate the process while keeping you and your family safe in the process.

Clean and Secure Gutters

Gale-force hurricane winds will often blow down gutters and downspouts, resulting in water buildup around the home’s foundation. So if there’s a possible hurricane on the horizon, take a few moments to clean and secure your gutters. Proper drainage is essential to protecting your home and property from water damage.

Prepare for Pests

Many homeowners are surprised to learn that hurricanes can bring pests, lots of pests. Hurricanes and other severe storms disrupt their normal environment, forcing pests like termites, spiders and mosquitoes to seek a new sanctuary. You can protect your home from pests during the hurricane season, however, by sealing doorways and windows, and removing debris and standing water. We  at Southern Pest Control’s professional pest control experts can also assist with protecting your home from pests.


Create an Emergency Kit

Of course, homeowners should also create a hurricane emergency kit, complete with first aid supplies as well as other survival items.

Here are some of the items to include in a hurricane emergency kit:

  • Flashlight with extra set of batteries.
  • Candles
  • Waterproof matches
  • Hand-cranked weather radio
  • Thermal blankets
  • First air supplies (bandages, antibiotic ointment, hydrogen peroxide, tweezers, etc.
  • Protein bars or similar high-calorie snacks with a long shelf-life.
  • Bottled water.

Hopefully, this will give you a better idea of how to protect your home and family during the hurricane season. For more tips on how to “pest-proof” your home, contact us at Southern Pest Control  800 527-9832 today.

Insects in the South: What You Should Love about Mosquitoes -Nothing

Mosquito illustration in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

Maybe that is overstating it slightly. Mosquitoes do serve as a food source for birds, bats, and other insect-eating predators, but that probably isn’t on your mind when you’re scratching from head to toe after a quick trip to the mailbox at dusk.

Mosquitoes are a nuisance species. More importantly, they are a disease-carrying nuisance species. Inhabitants of the gulf states have battled the pests for centuries, but mosquitoes are one of the most resilient species of insect, inhabiting every continent, with over 3,000 different species worldwide. While we only have to handle 50 or so species in Mississippi, mosquitoes are one of the more annoying and dangerous bugs for Southerners to deal with, which is why they are the first appearance in our Insects in the South series.

Why you should care about mosquitoes

Put aside the constant buzzing and incessant biting. Mosquitoes are dangerous. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, “Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism — over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year.” They also harm dogs and horses through diseases and parasites.

In Mississippi, we don’t have to worry about some of the most devastating mosquito-borne diseases, like malaria. However, the Mississippi State Department of Health suggests that mosquito species here carry at least four dangerous viruses. West Nile, St. Louis encephalitis, and LaCrosse encephalitis are all harmful, and potentially deadly to humans, while Eastern equine encephalitis affects both humans and horses.

What you should do about mosquitoes

Like many insects, a mosquito’s life consists of four stages: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. In order to reduce the mosquito population around your home, you will want to make it inhospitable to each of these stages. The most effective prevention is to reduce the amount of standing water around the house because the first three stages of the mosquito’s life rely on stagnant water. They need just a small amount of water to reproduce, so you’ll want to get rid of any open water areas, keep your bird baths fresh, and make sure your gutters are clean.

Once the mosquito is an adult, pesticides and repellents are your best tool. Pesticides like Permethrin kill adult mosquitoes and help break the life cycle. Repellents come in many forms, but DEET is still the most effective for keeping the blood suckers away. The female mosquito (the only one who bites) uses blood to nourish her eggs before laying them. If they can’t feed, they can’t breed.

While the total eradication of mosquitoes is not the end goal, you can do a lot to help reduce their presence around your home to protect you and your loved ones. This post presents just a few highlights of mosquito control. For more information, or to find out how we at Southern Pest Control Service can help make your home safer and more enjoyable, contact us today.

Protect Your Family From Diseases Caused by Insects

Mosquito close up in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control





Diseases caused by insects You need to be aware of to protect your family

If you live in the South, insects are nothing new to you. But are you aware of the diseases they may carry? Here are some potentially dangerous diseases transmitted by insects that you could come in contact with. Protect your family by learning the facts!

Lyme Disease

This disease is spread by ticks, which infect about 300,000 Americans every year. Ticks love wooded and grassy areas, so you can easily come into contact with one by hiking, camping, working, or simply playing in one of those outdoors areas.

West Nile Virus

The dreaded mosquito spreads this virus, which reaches its peak during the summer months. Mosquitos that spread this virus are especially active during the nighttime hours, so be especially aware after sunset.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

This disease is spread by a bacteria living in ticks, and can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms like headache, vomiting, and abdominal pain. This disease can even be fatal if not treated quickly, so ticks are definitely one insect you want to avoid.


Different forms of this illness, including diarrhea, food poisoning, and other intestinal diseases, are caused by cockroaches. These insects carry the disease-causing bacteria on their legs and bodies, and can transmit diseases to you and your family by scampering over food or utensils.

Don’t let your family fall ill due to disease-ridden insects – contact us at Southern Pest Control on how to get rid of insects for good. Protect your family and prevent these insects from potentially making you and your loved ones sick!


What are the Worst Pests to be on the look out for in the Summer?

Mosquito on arm in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control


worst pests



We at Southern Pest Control know that summer time is filled with fun activities and enjoying the great outdoors. But we also know that this can be the worst time for you to deal with unwanted pests around your home. We are supplying  this information in an effort to hopefully help you with some ways to avoid a pesty summer.

Do you ever wonder why so many different pests bother you and your home in the Summer? There are several factors that help boost the insect population during the summer months.

As winter ends and the temperatures start to rise, insects and wildlife start to come out of their winter slumber and start looking for food. Add their natural instinct to reproduce at this time and you have a recipe for an insect problem. This can be a headache for homeowners even though these creatures may be a vital component of our ecosystem.

Below are the 6 worst summer pests to be on the lookout for and some handy tips that may make your pest problems less of an issue during these months.

  1. Mosquitoes

These little critters are possibly the worst nuisance to deal with in the summer. These insects are not just annoying and also can cause you to itch. They can carry and transmit some harmful diseases as well, such as the West Nile Virus of the Zika virus. Their population peaks in June.


The most important prevention technique is to eliminate standing pools of water. These pools are used my mosquitoes for reproduction. By eliminating these areas mosquitoes will search other places to terrorize so the number on your premises will be greatly reduced. You can also use some eco-friendly products such as citronella.

2. House Flies

Houseflies are always a pain to deal with, but the hot summer months can make dealing with them even worse.  These insects are attracted to food and sweet beverages. If you have a spilled drink or decaying fruit, flies can quickly enter your home and start reproducing at alarming rates. And more alarming is that they can care diseases to humans.


You can never keep flies completely out of your home, but keeping a clean house will help immensely. Wiping down your counters with disinfectant, taking out garage frequently, and cleaning up any food items that may have been left out after a meal can be very helpful.


Ant infestations typically peak at the end of July. Even though ants are virtually harmless to people, they can still be a bother to homeowners.


The key to deterring ants is to make sure all viable food sources are stored and sealed properly.  Keeping your home clean and free of crumbs and leftovers laying around as well as taking out your garage on a regular basis can help reduce the likelihood of ants getting in your home. If they however do get in, follow the trail they have created and seal their point of entry. Also eliminate all pooling water throughout your home, as these sources are vital to their survival.

4.Stinging Insects

Insects that pollinate like wasps or bees are a vital component in maintaining natural plants communities during the summer months. They however will attack anyone around when they feel threatened. Their peak month is August. Even though they are normally not life-threatening to humans, they can be a risk for those who are allergic to their stings.


Since these insects are important to our environment, you should not try to have them removed unless they are a threat to your home. If removal is necessary be sure and have a pest control professional take care of this.


Even though these insects can infest your home at any time during the year, they become a bigger issue during the summer months. During these months they are looking to find a safe place to escape the hot summer heat. Cockroaches do not take long to become a major problem, since they have a fast reproductive capability.


The prevention is similar to what you did to keep ants from becoming a nuisance. This was ensuring that your home was kept clean, which including removing leftover food scraps, taking out the garbage on a regular basis, and eliminating clutter that they may hide under.

  1. Termites

Termite swarming season is usually around mid-May. Termites are forging tunnels throughout your yard throughout the warmer months looking for viable food sources. It is critical that you take the correct precautions to avoid these destructive insects from getting into your home and possibly cause a great deal of damage before being detected.


The only real prevention is to have your home inspected regularly by a pest control professional. When purchasing a termite bond you are insuring yourself against any termite problems that may arise. However even though your pest control company is usually taking responsibility for damages caused by termites, it is your responsibility to take all precautions necessary to avoid moisture issues in and around your home and to replace any wood that may have rotting issues. If you are unsure of these concerns it is always pest to ask your pest control service.

Although these pest could become a major problem in the summer, they can be prevented by taking precautions. If you have any questions or concerns please call us at Southern Pest Control 1-800-527-9832, our friendly staff is always ready to help in any way.


Common Services of a Professional Pest Control Service

Technician with sprayer on back in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control


pest control service

Why a Pest Control Service

Whether commercial or residential, pests are capable of getting into all sorts of properties. So, what would be the best way to deal with them? There are several ways through which you can deal with pests. The most convenient and reliable of them all is hiring a reliable and professional pest control service. Why? Well this is mainly because a reputable pest control service will efficiently use a wide range of solutions to eliminate the bugs, rodents, or other pests on your property.

It simply isn’t possible to permanently get your property rid of pests through any do it yourself technique. This is because no matter what sort of a strategy you make use of for eliminating the pests, they will find one way or another back into your property. This is definitely true in the case of bugs, ants, and other types of similar pests. In this regard, a professional pest control service will be of significant help as not only will their solutions provide you effective results, but the results will also be long lasting.

Residential Pest Control – Pest Control for Homes

As far as residential properties are concerned, pests and other such insects are more likely to be found here. Domestic pests cause a considerable amount of damage to wooden furniture. Apart from that, smaller pests such as bed bugs and insects can cause damage to the wiring, eat garments, contaminate food, and more. What’s more, they also tend to carry bacteria and parasites from one residence to another, which causes illness to the people living in the house.

As soon as you encounter any pests in your home, you shouldn’t waste your time trying out different Do It Yourself strategies. You should  get in touch with a professional pest control company. A reliable pest control service will be able to treat all common pests including mice, ants, rats, flies, fleas, bed bugs, and wasps as well as more.

Commercial Pest Control – Pest Control for Offices

Some commercial properties also get infested by common pests. These pests are the same as the ones found on residential properties. Once you get in touch with a pest control service, they will be likely to pay a visit or two to the office in order to properly inspect the areas that are infected. During the first visits, their job will be to figure out the severity of the problem at hand, as they will be looking to find the types of pests that are infesting the property.

If you are having a pest control issue at your home or office please give us a call at Southern Pest Control 800 527-9832. Our friendly and professional staff is always ready to help!

Pest Control – Why It Is So Important

Illustration of professional exterminator in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control


pest control man

Pests are something nobody wants around their house. Pest control is extremely common in industries, but homes are prone to pest infestations too and controlling them is essential. Here are a few reasons dictating the importance of pest control and why you should consider it for your home:

Barrier against Harmful Invaders

Your home is your own personal haven, it is a place where you feel at ease and there is literally no place like home. Nobody wants to see their home being invaded by pests of different sorts that can cause potential harm not only to your living place, but to your health as well.

Pest control can prove to be helpful against destructive infestations for long durations and its importance lies in the fact that it can clean away and purify spaces that have been the victim of such invasions and infestations.

Damage Prevention

Pests are far from being showpieces. They act! And when they do, the damage they cause can be extreme, and if left unattended, irreversible. They can do a great deal of damage to the structure of a home which could result in damages that would need repairs in parts of your home. At times, entire structures become useless and need to be replaced or completely re-done. Termites, for example, could eat away a whole wooden structure.

This is where pest control comes in. It can save the structure of your home and also save you huge expense you’d have to incur  in circumstances of extreme structural damage.

Preservation of Health

Infestation of pests and insects can lead to numerous health problems and can put the well-being of you and your family members in danger. Some pests, including cockroaches, are capable of carrying harmful and infectious germs into the human body which can be the cause of many infectious diseases and health problems. Also, pests like mosquitoes, ticks and fleas can transmit deadly diseases such as plague, malaria, West Nile Virus and Lyme disease into the human body.

Pest control ensures that the health of you and your family members remains intact and you can also rest assured that you’re breathing and living in an environment that isn’t polluted with infectious and hazardous pests.

Preservation of Appearance

Another thing pest control is important for the preservation of the appearance of your home. Any living space that is infected and invaded by pests and insects is sure to lose its appeal and charm because of the damaging effects they can cause to any structure, equipment or item they come in contact with.

Pest control can save you precious time and money.

Want to protect your home and your health from these virus-carrying, danger-ridden pests and insects? Give us a call at 800 527-9832. We at Southern Pest Control want to insure that your health and home are well protected from these unwanted quests. If you have a problem we will be glad to come to your rescue!

Spiders – The Creepy Crawlers

Spider on siding in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



Spiders are a major concern in most homes where they are either just disliked or cause a major panic. Some people just cringe at their sight while some have so much fear that even a tiny spider is enough to give them a run for their lives. Remember Ronald Weasley from the wizard trio? Yeah, something like that.

Creepy Entrances

These creepy visitors will enter your home through poorly screened open windows. Gaps and cracks in the vicinity of entrances such as windows and doors are also common means of entry. Spiders may also get a free ride on boxes or any other outdoor items that are brought inside your home.

Useful Tips

Here are few tips to prevent these crawlies from entering your home:

  • Check footwear that had been left outside for a couple of days before putting it on.
  • Shake out clothing, laundry, boots, shoes, and any other items before wearing them or putting them in the closet.
  • Be careful while working in the garden and make sure that your kids don’t poke around the bushes or under rocks.

Hiding Places

Spiders prefer dark and quiet places. These eight-legged creepy crawlers find shelter in your homes during autumn so that they have a warm and cozy place to spend the winter. There are about 30,000 species of spiders which are found throughout the world, but only a few of them infest homes. Some spiders prefer moisture and are found in crawl spaces and basements while others, who like dry and warm areas, seek shelter in upper corners of rooms and subfloor air vents.

Tips for Spider Control

If you are annoyed by these creepy crawlers in your home, follow the tips below to make your home a spider-free zone:

  • Maintain cleanliness and good house-keeping.
  • Keep your belongings stored neatly in boxes on shelves in basements and garages.
  • Dispose of old equipment, trash, and debris regularly.
  • Repair your window screens and fill any gaps or cracks around your doors or windows.
  • Pay special attention to outdoor areas such as yards, porches, sheds, and garages.
  • Clean your filter boxes regularly because it is a kind of a favorable habitat for spiders.
  • Don’t stack your wood close to your house.
  • Spray the above mentioned spider-prone areas to keep them at bay.
  • Trim and prune your hedges and shrubs so that spiders have fewer places to hide.
  • Remove webs regularly with a broom or vacuum.
  • Reduce your outside lighting so that fewer preys (insects) are attracted to discourage spiders.

Professional Pest Control Services

If you have a spider infestation which you don’t want to deal with, either because you cringe at their sight or it’s too big for you to handle, seek help from a professional pest control service. We at Southern Pest Control have trained staff that is skilled at detecting and culminating unwanted pests. Contact us, where we not only deal with spiders, but with all kinds of pests. Give us a call at 800-527-9832 and we will provide you with a pest-free* home!