Avoiding the Springtime Swarm

an ant colony transporting larvae outdoors

The Spring days on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi are ample in sunshine and warmth, especially after the cooler winter rain. The sunshine and warmth awaken swarms of spring insects in Mississippi Gulf Coast such asan ant colony transporting larvae outdoors termites, wasps, bees, and ants that can make their way into your home and yard. These swarms are unwelcome guests to any home or backyard gathering. There are, however, ways to protect your property from infestations.

Insects that come out in spring are foraging for food and seeking to mate. While this usually is taking place outdoors, keep in mind that they also could be seeking shelter and someplace to nest inside your home. Be on the lookout for:

  • WASPS – Wasps come in a variety of colors which include yellow, brown, red and metallic blue and have a narrow waist and pointed abdomen. They nest in wood fibers that they have chewed into a pulp and formed a honeycombed umbrella shape.
  • BEES – Bees that aren’t your friendly honey making variety come yellow with black stripes. They tend to nest in piles of wood or other yard debris.
  • ANTS- Including Carpenter Ants and Fire Ants.
  • TERMITES – Termites come in shades of brown, white and black and range in sizes ⅛  of an inch to 1 inch. They have antennae and wings and can be mistaken for ants.

Termites to Watch For

Some of the most common swarming insects on the Mississippi Gulf Coast are termites. There are two main types of termites known to the Mississippi Gulf Coast area:

  • Drywood termites. As their name implies they make their home in dry wood and need no contact with soil to live. They don’t go for moist, softwood, instead, they eat across the grain of dry, hardwood. Because they go for dry wood, infestations are usually found higher in structures like rafters. They often enter structures through exposed wood or wooden furniture that is brought into the home. They are common to warmer, tropical climates with mild winters. Evidence of infestation includes discarded wings, feces or frass (piles of sawdust from feeding).
  •  Subterranean termites. These termites cause homeowners the most damage and also are the most common termite in North America. Eastern and Western Subterranean termites are prone to swarm in late February or early March. The Formosan termites swarm later in spring, usually May. They make mud tubes that are used as tunnels from the ground to their food source.

Protecting your home and yard from invading pests.

Below are just a few tips to discourage pests from taking up residence in your space.

  • Cleaning up after outdoor BBQ and other cooking as wasps and bees are looking for and are attracted to protein-based foods.  Leaking faucets or hoses provide a water source that attracts not only wasps and bees but termites and ants.
  • Patching cracks or crevices in walls, repairing broken panels or siding to discourage wasps from nesting in your walls. Keep your yard clean of heavy debris. 
  • Termites swarm in early spring months, looking to establish new colonies. They are attracted to water sources, and again repair leaking faucets or pipes as they are attracted to a moist environment. Avoid storing items in wooden or cardboard boxes, try plastic storage bins instead. 
  • Clean your yard regularly of rotting wood. Make sure your porch or deck is in good repair.
  • Keep mulch away from your foundation.
  • Store all firewood above ground and away from the perimeter of your property. 
  • Ants such as odorous house ants, nest in walls and beneath carpeting. Keep organic debris such as leaves and piles of wood away from your foundation. Store leftovers in airtight containers and keep areas clean of food debris and dirty dishes. Ants are attracted to sweets as well as protein-based foods.

Spring Pest Control in Mississippi Gulf Coast

All the tips above can help you prevent a pest infestation in the Mississippi Gulf Coast area. But sometimes you can do everything right and still wind up with ants on the counter and a wasp nest under the eave. When that happens, Southern Pest Control can help. We’ve been treating spring pests since 1975, helping countless home and business owners live safer and more comfortably. We’ve helped them through active and preventative measures, and we can help you too. Contact us today to get started!

America’s Most Dangerous Ants

Velvet ant
Velvet ant
Velvet ant

If you’ve encountered ants on your property, it stands to reason. Ants are one of the most prolific types of insect in the world. There are over 12,000 different ant species and they inhabit almost every corner of the globe except for Greenland, Iceland and a few other islands. 

Since ants live almost everywhere, sooner or later you’ll cross paths with them. Most species aren’t a threat to humans but some are dangerous because they’re especially venomous or aggressive. You can reduce your risk of being bitten or stung if you know which types of ants to avoid. The experts at Southern Pest Control show you which ants to steer clear of.  

What are America’s Most Dangerous Ants?

In the eastern US, the field ant is a very common species. They usually build nests underground although sometimes they make nests in rotten wood. They’re not venomous or aggressive. They made this list because they’re common in a large portion of the country and will bite you if you mess with their nest. 

The velvet ant isn’t actually an ant. It’s a type of wasp, but the females of the species lack wings so they’re often mistaken for ants. While they may not be able to fly, they do have a venomous and extremely painful sting. That’s given this insect the nickname “cow-killer” where it lives in the eastern US.

There are many species of harvester ants in the US. Most of these species aren’t much of a hazard to humans. However, two species, the Maricopa harvester ant and Florida harvester ant pose a real threat. The Maricopa harvester ant is one of the most common ant species in Arizona and lives throughout the southwestern US as well as in Mexico. It’s believed to have the most toxic insect venom on earth. The Florida harvester ant is common from Florida to North Carolina and its venom is also extremely powerful. In fact, it’s more toxic than the venom of a cobra.

The red imported fire ant originated in South America but was accidentally introduced to the US, Australia and some Caribbean nations in the 1930s. It’s the most dangerous species of ant in the US. Their stings are extremely unpleasant. They don’t just cause burning and swelling. They also create itchy pus-filled blisters that can last for over a week. Some people stung by these ants even go into anaphylactic shock. More than 14 million people per year are stung by these insects, according to research from Texas A&M University. Over 80 deaths have been reported in the US  due to red imported fire ant stings.

Why are Ant Bites so Painful?

So, what makes ant bites and stings so unpleasant? Ants use their mandibles (jaws) to bite the skin of their target and then release formic acid – an irritating chemical – on the skin of the target. You might think the swelling, redness and irritation were caused by the bite itself, but the formic acid is a larger factor. People who are allergic to formic acid may experience more serious symptoms, like those that accompany an ant sting. 

Why are Ant Stings so Painful?

Almost all ants have jaws or pinchers to bite with, but not all of them have stingers and venom. Even fewer have venom that’s strong enough to be hazardous to humans.

An ant sting starts off like an ant bite. They lock their mandibles (jaws) in the skin of their target and release formic acid. Then they pivot their rear end, poke their stinger into the target’s skin and inject venom.  The longer it takes to get the ant off of you, the more times you can be stung, the more venom will be injected and the more painful the sting will be. Ant venom – fire ant venom in particular – can also cause an allergic reaction which may include: itchiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hives, and tightness in the chest, or difficulty breathing.

Ant Exterminators in the Mississippi Gulf Coast 

Southern Pest Control has been eliminating ants from homes and businesses throughout the Mississippi Gulf Coast since 1975. If you have ants on your property, especially if you suspect they may be fire ants, don’t wait until after you, your family, or your pet is bitten or stung. Contact us today

Why Do Ants Keep Coming Back In?

Ants inside a house

Ants inside a houseAnts are incredibly difficult to get rid of entirely if you approach them the wrong way. If you’ve dealt with an ant infestation in your home before, you know that they seem to keep on coming back no matter what you do. They’ll pop up in new areas in your home every day, becoming a total headache to deal with. Why are ants are so persistent?

In order to conduct the best ant control possible, you have to learn about the ways ants work and avoid the strategies that so commonly fail. If you need expert advice on ant control on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, read on for insight from Southern Pest Control!

Why Is My DIY Ant Control Failing?

The problem with the most commonly chosen ant control strategies is that they ignore the source of the problem in favor of addressing its symptoms. When ants show up in your house, your first inclination might be to squash them or spray them with a store-bought pest control product. This will only delay or worsen your problem.

“How could it possibly worsen it?” you might wonder. It helps to know that when you kill ants, they release a pheromone signal that warns nearby ants to avoid the area. Other ants will sense this signal and change their method of approach. Given that they’re so small and sneaky, ants should have no problem finding a new way into your home.

Ant Control Strategies That Really Work

What can you do if you can’t squash or spray ants to get rid of them? We believe that these three steps lead to the most exhaustive and long-lasting ant control solution:

  • Find where they’re coming from: If you can determine where the ants in your home came from, you can seal their entryway with caulk, block it with a screen, or spray it with a citrus-based cleaning product to discourage activity.
  • Take away their food and water: Ants are probably living in your house because they have access to food or water. Cleaning up spills, storing your food in airtight containers, and keeping your kitchen and bathroom well-ventilated will prevent easy food and water access.
  • Call your local experts: Professional ant exterminators are trained to follow ant trails all the way back to their source in a nest or ant hill. Getting rid of the ant colony on your property is the only way to ensure that ants never bother you in your home again.

Expert Home Ant Extermination on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

If you’re ready to live an ant-free life in your home on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, it’s time to team up with your local ant exterminators. The licensed and certified technicians at Southern Pest Control are trained to conduct full-service ant removal. We can visit your property to determine where your ants are coming from, eliminate the colony, and show you how to prevent future problems on your own. Reach out today for a free quote!

Ants Are They Becoming a Problem

Ant Colony in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



Ants are not generally considered dangerous pests, but they can pose significant health and cosmetic damage to turf grass. Controlling them in the lawn becomes important where their hill building causes root damage to grass and unsightly mounds. These colony insects settle in large numbers and build intricate labyrinths in grass root systems. Knowing how to control them in lawns begins with some information on these insect’s soil and location preferences and a concerted effort to destroy their nests.

The mounds and hills formed by ant colonies are not the only issue with these insects. Many species also have an interest in ranching and will “farm” aphids and mealybugs, protecting them and assisting their daily needs to keep a local source of honeydew. Honeydew is the substance secreted by aphids and mealybugs and is something of a delicacy to ants.  Having a colony of farming ants can mean real trouble for your veggies and ornamental plants, the food of choice for mealybugs and aphids. Controlling ants in the lawn is a good way to minimize the population of these pest insects.

Ants prefer dry, well-drained soil in an undisturbed, low traffic area. Lawn dwelling ants are generally not an issue because these are not the stinging sort but some species have a habit of undermining grass roots and can cause large dead patches in the lawn.

Spot control is the best method for killing ants. They tend to concentrate in a small area and spot application isolates the chemical zone and minimizes damage to beneficial insects who also call the grass home.

They can be a blessing and a curse, so consider the severity of the problem before determining what action you should take. Their activity is also a natural pest control and can increase the tilth of soil, acting as wild aerators to loosen the dirt around roots and enhance growth.

If ants are getting out of control in your yard, please call us, Southern Pest Control at 800 527-9832. We have been helping folks like yourself in the Gulf Coast area for over 35 years. Our trained professionals can solve your unwanted pest problems quickly and avoidably. Please visit our website at www.southernpestcontrol.biz to meet our and learn more about our services.

Are you worried about Ants in your yard?

Ants swarming outside in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



Ants are not generally considered dangerous pests, but they can pose significant health and cosmetic damage to turf grass. Controlling them in the lawn becomes important where their hill building causes root damage to grass and unsightly mounds. These colony insects settle in large numbers and build intricate labyrinths in grass root systems. Knowing how to control them in lawns begins with some information on these insect’s soil and location preferences and a concerted effort to destroy their nests.

The mounds and hills formed by ant colonies are not the only issue with these insects. Many species also have an interest in ranching and will “farm” aphids and mealybugs, protecting them and assisting their daily needs to keep a local source of honeydew. Honeydew is the substance secreted by aphids and mealybugs and is something of a delicacy to ants.  Having a colony of farming ants can mean real trouble for your veggies and ornamental plants, the food of choice for mealybugs and aphids. Controlling ants in the lawn is a good way to minimize the population of these pest insects.

Ants prefer dry, well-drained soil in an undisturbed, low traffic area. Lawn dwelling ants are generally not an issue because these are not the stinging sort but some species have a habit of undermining grass roots and can cause large dead patches in the lawn.

Spot control is the best method for killing ants. They tend to concentrate in a small area and spot application isolates the chemical zone and minimizes damage to beneficial insects who also call the grass home.

They can be a blessing and a curse, so consider the severity of the problem before determining what action you should take. Their activity is also a natural pest control and can increase the tilth of soil, acting as wild aerators to loosen the dirt around roots and enhance growth.

If ants are getting out of control in your yard, please call us, Southern Pest Control at 800 527-9832. We have been helping folks like yourself in the Gulf Coast area for over 35 years. Our trained professionals can solve your unwanted pest problems quickly and avoidably. Please visit our website at www.southernpestcontrol.biz to meet our and learn more about our services.

Ants in the Summer

Ant Colony in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



Here is another one of those annoying pests that become a summer problem. It is  ANTS.

You can’t anticipate every place ants will try to enter your home. While you can easily block windows, they come up the sink and through cracks in the house as well. When they get in, you have kill them or they won’t leave.

You can make your own ant traps, but when you need to resort to mass murder you should spend a few dollars on the professional stuff. It doesn’t cost much and works well. Summer ants love sweet and greasy foods. When you go to purchase traps, you want to look for the ones that attract those kinds of ants. Some traps work for both, however, so you can get those as well. Regardless, remain patient. The ants you see out and about need to take the poisoned food from the trap back to the ants in their colony. That process takes time, and then you have to wait for the rest of the colony to eat the food and die. When you have a large ant problem you need some patience. They won’t disappear immediately, but you can knock them out over the course of the week with the right kind of trap.

If you don’t yet have an ant problem or want to prepare for the next attack, you can do a lot to prevent ants from coming in. They love windows and a variety of household remedies can ward them off and block them out.

Before you resort to anything fancy, clean your house. Keep it as clean as possible throughout the summer months. Here are a couple tips in cleaning  your house to keep ants away.

  • Don’t leave food out.
  • Eat dinner at a table so nothing falls into the couch.

While you may not find the time to keep a perfectly clean home, do the best you can. You improve your chances of an ant infestation greatly if you give them no reason to come inside. Even if they do venture into the house, cleaning still helps. They leave a scent trail for other ants, so proper cleaning will delete it. One part vinegar and three parts water works as a great homemade option.

We at Southern Pest Control hope this information was helpful. Pleases remember when you have unwanted pests or animal problems our expert technicians are there to help. Just call our office at 800 527-9832 to set up a free estimate inspection. We have been serving the Gulf Coast for over 35 years. Please visit our website at www.southernpestcontrol.biz to meet our team and learn more about our services.