Mosquito Prevention: 4 Signals Mosquitoes Use to Find Humans

A mosquito on the Mississippi Gulf Coast - Southern Pest Control

A mosquito on the Mississippi Gulf Coast - Southern Pest ControlOur climate along the Mississippi Gulf Coast creates opportunities for mosquitoes to thrive for most of the year. Sometimes, it can feel like there’s no way to avoid these insects, but you shouldn’t give up hope! Mosquitoes are actually simple creatures that operate based on a small set of signals they seek out. If you can learn how to control what they do and don’t sense, you’re well on your way to a mosquito-free summer! Read on to learn more about mosquito prevention with our mosquito exterminators at Southern Pest Control.

4 Signals Mosquitoes Use to Look for Hosts

Some people refer to themselves as “mosquito magnets.” You might even know one or be one yourself! Although it certainly seems true that mosquitoes prefer some people over others, scientists have not yet firmly established the metrics with which to calculate one’s vulnerability to mosquito bites. However, we do know that there are 4 main signs that mosquitoes use to seek out potential hosts:

  1. Breath: Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that we release when we exhale because it tells them that there are people nearby.
  2. Body odor: Our natural odor is another signal to mosquitoes, and this signal is amplified when we perspire. Wearing floral perfumes can also tip off mosquitoes to your presence.
  3. Body temperature: Mosquitoes can sense higher body temperatures and gravitate towards them. When we wear darker colors that trap heat, we make ourselves more visible to mosquitoes.
  4. Color: No matter the pigmentation, the longer wavelengths that human skin gives off attract mosquitoes.

Preventing Mosquito Bites in Knoxville TN

Although we can’t keep ourselves from giving off these signals to mosquitoes entirely, we can make efforts to block these signals and make our properties less hospitable to mosquitoes. Here are a few ways to implement mosquito prevention into your routines:

  • Get rid of standing water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so collected rainwater buildup in tarps, buckets, planters, gutters, and more can provide adequate breeding grounds. Pour it out or cover it when you find it in your yard.
  • Wear clothes that cover your skin: Light-colored clothing, too. Limiting exposed skin and dark colors that trap heat will take away two main signals that mosquitoes use to find you.
  • Use bug spray: EPA-registered mosquito spray products using either DEET or picaridin will safely keep mosquitoes from biting you for hours. If you wish to use a natural alternative, try lemon eucalyptus oil or citronella oil.

Why Professional Mosquito Control Helps

We have found that in many cases, our customers’ mosquito problems have built up out of sight, or at least in hidden or densely vegetated areas that non-experts wouldn’t think to look. Our experienced mosquito removal specialists at Southern Pest Control can provide a full-property inspection to put your mosquito infestation to a stop. By developing a unique barrier spray system for your yard, we can ensure that you’re receiving the best possible protection against mosquitoes. Contact us today for a free quote!

Protect Your Backyard from Pests in 10 Steps

A backyard to be serviced on the Mississippi Gulf Coast - Southern Pest Control

A backyard to be serviced on the Mississippi Gulf Coast - Southern Pest ControlAlong the Mississippi Gulf Coast, our warm and rainy springs provide the ideal conditions for a long list of pests. While we can appreciate the sunshine starting back up in spring, locals know that it means pest problems for people throughout the area. Are you looking to keep bugs, rodents, and wildlife out of your backyard this year? Read on to learn some actions to take on your own with the experts at Southern Pest Control!

10 Ways to Get Rid of Backyard Pests

If you don’t start putting in effort early to keep pests out of your backyard, your property could become overrun with critters once spring is in full swing. Here are our top 10 pest prevention tips you should use to protect your backyard this spring:

  1. Trim your plants: Overgrowth of trees, bushes, and shrubs can lead to shaded hiding places that pests will take advantage of. Keep ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, and other pests out of your backyard by keeping up on plant maintenance.
  2. Clear out standing water: Even the smallest standing water pools can be made into mosquito breeding grounds. Pour out or cover standing water your find accumulating in gutters, buckets, planters, tarps, and anywhere else you find it.
  3. Use garden nets: Garden netting can both protect the plants you’re growing and keep all kinds of pests out of your yard by restricting their access to food.
  4. Deal with yard waste: If you leave piles of yard waste out in your yard or even let a branch or two lay around for too long, you could be unknowingly providing all kinds of insects with temporary shelter. Get rid of yard waste early and often.
  5. Mow your lawn regularly: Keeping your lawn shorter will prevent it from trapping excess moisture and hosting regional lawn pests. Mow the lawn once a week to keep it in good shape.
  6. Dethatch your lawn if necessary: While we appreciate a thin layer of thatch for its insulating purposes, too much of it will suffocate your lawn and allow many lawn pests to thrive.
  7. Store firewood correctly: Any piles of firewood stacked against your home can easily lead to a termite infestation with expensive consequences. Store your firewood off of the ground, away from your home or backyard deck, and covered.
  8. Keep your trash bins closed: All kinds of pests from wasps to raccoons will rummage through your trash for food. Make sure your trash cans close all the way and keep them at a good distance from your home and backyard if possible.
  9. Watch how you water your lawn: Unfortunately, both overwatering and underwatering can lead to pest problems. An irrigation or sprinkler system can regulate your lawn’s water intake.
  10. Hire an exterminator: A professional exterminator can figure out the reasons for your pest problems and create a plan that will keep them out of your yard going forward.

Pest Control for Your Backyard

If you want to be certain that you’re in for a pest-free* summer, reach out to your local pest control company. Our technicians at Southern Pest Control are well-versed in the common pest problems faced around the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We can ensure that your backyard stays protected with professional exclusion programs and industry-leading pest control products. Get in touch today for a free estimate!


Mosquito illustration in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control



Summer Time is approaching and that means mosquitoes are ready to increase our frustration with these unwanted pests.

We at Southern Pest Control thought you would be interested to know several facts about mosquitoes just as interesting information. So here are the facts, we hope you enjoy this information.

  • Only Females bite
  • West Virginia has the fewest species of mosquitoes
  • There are over 3500 species
  • Mosquito is Spanish for “little fly”
  • Females can lay over 300 eggs at a time
  • One can drink up to 3 times its body weigh in blood
  • They spend their first ten days in water.
  • They can’t fly very far or very fast
  • They generally fly below 25 feet
  • Sweat helps them choice their victims
  • They have 6 legs
  • Mosquitoes feed day and night
  • They have been around since the Jurassic period
  • The bumps from mosquito bites are caused by saliva
  • West Nile virus came to the US in 1999
  • Mosquitoes do not transmit HIV
  • They can smell human breath
  • Their 2 main predators are fish and dragonflies
  • Mosquito traps can kill thousands in a single night
  • Bug zappers don’t work on mosquitoes

We at Southern Pest Control hope that you found some interesting facts here. Please remember we can help you protect yourself and your family from these unwanted pests. We have an experienced team of trained professionals that can help you rid your home of unwanted pests from mosquitoes to termites to cockroaches and many more. We also can remove unwelcome guests like snakes, squirrels, or raccoons.

We have been serving the Gulf Coat for over 35 years. Please call us at 800 527-9852 and visit our website at to meet our team and learn about all the services we offer.