Bed bug infestations always increase in the summer. Here are some of the ways summer will increase your chances of getting these unwanted pests.
- Your college age children may have brought them home from school. Bed bugs love dormitories. The more people living in the same place, the better. And this is a bug that thrives in dirty environments.
- Did anyone in your family return from camp recently. They could have brought bed bugs or their eggs home with you. Baby bed bugs are quite small and can easily be missed if they crawl into a seam of your luggage. It is always important to wash and dry your clothes and bedding on the hottest temperatures when you return from a trip.
- Have you stayed at a hotel recently? You could have brought bed bugs home. These bugs like filth, but they can be found infesting even the nicest luxury hotels and resorts.
- Have you used any public transit lately, like city buses? Bed bugs can live inside the seats of trains, planes, buses and taxi cabs.
- Did you visit a friend or family member or have family or family members spend the night at your home? Your friends and family can have bed bugs and not even know it.
- Have you checked for bed bugs recently? If you don’t do routine bed bug inspections, you are at more risk of having these bugs. Inspect bed creases and corners for black sticky residue. Inspect the seams and stitching of upholstered furniture for the same black residue. This could be bed bug feces. Check your sheets and pillowcases for dried, brown blood stains.
We at Southern Pest Control offer affordable bed bug protection service for any of our present customers as well as anyone in the Gulf Coast Region that is having bed bug concerns or any other pest issues. We have been serving our region for over 37 years with quality affordable pest control. Please call us at 800 527-9832 to speak to one of our friendly knowledgeable pest control experts.
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