Autumn Animals and Insects

Animals and Insects in Autumn in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control


autumn animals and insects

Autumn Animals and Insects- Many types of mammals, invertebrates and amphibians sleep through the coldest months. Some species, likeย hedgehogs, truly hibernate. Others, such asย frogs, enter a state of torpor from which they rouse easily to look for food or stretch.

Gardeners can help by ensuring garden wildlife has somewhere cool and dry to rest undisturbed until spring – here are tips you can do to help get wildlife through the winter.

For your Pond

Male frogs often spend winter in the muddy depths of ponds, breathing through their skin. But if the pond freezes over, gases caused by decaying plant material can get trapped and poison them. Remove debris from ponds now, and float a tennis or golf ball on the surface to prevent ice from sealing it.

Use Twigs

Put bundles of twigs at the back of borders, or in a plant pot on its side, where invertebrates and small mammals can shelter.

Use Plant Pots

Leave stacks of plant pots in a sheltered spot to offer shelter for bees and other insects needing a cool, dry place.

Remove Leaves

Remove leaves from paths or lawns but transfer them to a corner or beneath a hedge, where hedgehogs and other animals can crawl for shelter.

Inside Your Home

Like butterflies, ladybirds may choose to overwinter in your home and will be disturbed by the heating coming on. As they hibernate in large groups, it may be best to leave them alone and if you can, leave the room unheated. If not, using a dustpan and brush, tip them gently into an empty box and move them to the shed.

Nest Boxes

Birds don’t hibernate, and they require a lot of energy to keep themselves warm at night. Clear out nest boxes now so that birds can take shelter in them on cold nights.


We, at Southern Pest Control, hope that this information about autumn animals and insects is helpful as we enter the Fall Season. Please remember when any pest control problem arises, our trained team of experts is ready to help. Please call us at 800 527-9832 if we can help. Please visit our website at to meet our team and learn more about us.