Fire ants like these can be found in mississippi and are america’s most dangerous ant

If you own a home in Mississippi, you’ve likely encountered ants on your property. Ants are one of the most prolific types of insects in the world. It’s estimated there are over 12,000 different ant species and they inhabit every corner of the globe except Antarctica. Fortunately, most species aren’t a threat to humans, but some bring their share of risks. Let’s take a look at the most dangerous ant species in the United States and whether they’re found in Mississippi.

What are America’s Most Dangerous Ants?

Field ants

In the eastern US, the field ant is a very common species. They usually build nests underground although sometimes they make nests in rotten wood. They’re not venomous or aggressive. They make this list because they’re common in a large portion of the country and will bite you if you mess with their nest.

Are field ants in Mississippi? Yes.

Velvet ants

Firstly, velvet ants aren’t actually ants, but many people think they are so they’re included in this list. Velvet ants are actually wingless wasps, and while they can’t fly, they can sting – and their sting is quite painful. Velvet ants are sometimes called “cow killers” because of their tendency to injure or kill livestock that accidentally disturb a nest.

Are velvet ants in Mississippi? Yes. 

Harvester ants

There are many species of harvester ants in the US; most are harmless to humans. However, two species, the Maricopa harvester ant and the Florida harvester ant, have one of the most toxic insect venoms on earth. It’s as powerful as many venomous snakes’ venoms. There are two main reasons why harvester ants are not considered a major threat to humans: 1) they’re docile, so they’ll only sting you if they’re trapped against your clothing or you disturb a nest; 2) each sting contains a very low dosage of venom.

Are Maricopa harvester ants in Mississippi? No. 

Are Florida harvester ants in Mississippi? Yes.

Red imported fire ants

The red imported fire ant originated in South America but was accidentally introduced to the US, Australia, and some Caribbean nations in the 1930s. It’s the most dangerous species of ant in the US. Their stings are extremely unpleasant. They don’t just cause burning and swelling. They also create itchy pus-filled blisters that can last for over a week. Some people stung by these ants even go into anaphylactic shock. It’s estimated that between 10 and 20 million people are stung by fire ants every year. Over 80 deaths have been reported in the US  due to red imported fire ant stings.

Are imported red fire ants in Mississippi? Yes.

Carpenter ants

Carpenter ants are the most destructive type of ant (not counting termites, which aren’t ants, but are more destructive than carpenter ants). They gnaw through wood like termites do, but they stop once they’ve carved their galleries where they live. Unlike termites, they do not eat wood. While carpenter ants are destructive, fortunately, they’re mostly harmless to humans.

Are carpenter ants in Mississippi? Yes.

Why Are Ant Bites and Stings So Painful?

It mostly comes down to two things:

  • Formic acid: Many ants use their powerful mandibles to tear the skin open, and once they do, they release an irritating chemical called formic acid into the wound. The swelling, redness, and irritation are not usually caused by the bite itself – it’s caused by the formic acid.
  • Venom: Many ants like fire ants and harvester ants have venom that they release when they sting you. Fire ants are especially dangerous due to the combination of venom and their aggressive nature.

Ant Exterminators in the Mississippi Gulf Coast 

While most ants are harmless and it’s a matter of how much you can tolerate them, there are some potentially dangerous ants you can find in Mississippi. Regardless of whether they’re dangerous or not, you can count on the ant control experts at Southern Pest Control to help.

Southern Pest Control has been eliminating ants from homes and businesses throughout the Mississippi Gulf Coast since 1975. If you have ants on your property, especially if you suspect they may be fire ants, don’t wait until after you, your family, or your pet is bitten or stung. Contact us today

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America’s Most Dangerous Ants – Which Are in Mississippi? Serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast Area

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