Best in Pest Control Biloxi, MS – Get Rid of Pest Issues Now

100% guaranteed graphic in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

Pest Control Biloxi, MSWe at Southern Pest Control would like to make sure that you will only get the best pest control Biloxi, MS services. We are not only dedicated in helping you become protected from unwanted pests inside your home. We would also like to make sure that wildlife will be properly placed in the right places instead of disposing them randomly. We have made use of our years of service to utilize our plans and methods to be effective in doing pest control Biloxi, MS.

We Are Not Only Exterminators

We do more than exterminate the pests that you can find at your own home or even commercial buildings. We are professionals who will take every precaution needed to ensure that your home will be pest free and comfortable for you. We have various solutions to different types of pests whether you are worried about termites, ants, cockroaches, rodents and many more,

What We Specialize In

While we offer different pest control Biloxi, MS services we specialize most in providing termite inspection. The moment that we are sure that there is a termite infestation in your home or commercial building, we can offer different services for pest control and extermination. Even if it is not termites that you are dealing with at home, in your garden or in a commercial building, we can still offer our pest control Biloxi, MS services to you.

Well Trained Team

Our team is constantly undergoing some training in order to be familiar with the latest techniques and tips in getting rid of the pests that are causing discomfort around your area. Our team ensures that pest control Biloxi, MS will be done correctly the first time. No need to contact another pest control company anymore as we can provide the best services you need.

Bugs Insects in Winter

Ice on Tree in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

winter bugs insects


In the winter, we humans survive the icy and cold months with coats, heaters, and warm food. Insects, however, have a few more creative strategies up their sleeves. Whether it’s special proteins that act like the antifreeze in your car, body fluids spiked with alcohol instead of water or gearing up for long-distance travel to warmer climes, it seems that these hardy bugs have developed their own answers to the biological problems winter poses.

To survive the wintertime shortage of food and warmth, mammals like bears and chipmunks tend to hibernate. While hibernation is often thought of as a deep sleep, it’s actually a biologically distinct state of dormancy: Hibernating animals stock up on food and reduce their metabolisms through processes that aren’t still fully understood. NASA researchers are even looking into techniques that could induce hibernation in humans, to help astronauts make it through years-long space journeys.

Insects have their own version of this powerful tool: diapause. Similar to hibernation, insects preparing to enter diapause will usually try to seek some kind of shelter from the cold.  That often means burrowing underground (consider the fact that, in winter, hundreds of insects might be lying dormant just inches beneath your feet), but can also mean finding shelter in trees trunks or under rocks.

Insects can be a problem for you and your home any season of the year. We at Southern Pest Control offer year round protection for your home and office. Our trained professionals know how to effectively rid you of unwanted pest regardless of the season. Please call us anytime you have a pest problem or need any type of animal removal. We offer excellent service at affordable rates. You will enjoy your interaction with our technicians, they always make you, the customer, there only priority.

Please call us at 80527-9832 to schedule an appointment. Also please visit our website at to learn about us and meet our team.

Bed Bug Removal – Sleep Better Again

bed bug close-up in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

Why not partner with us at Southern Pest Control to ensure that bed bug removal will be done at the soonest possible time? We understand how hard it can be to stay and sleep in areas wherein you are not comfortable. If you have woken up too many times with bug bites on different parts of your body, you know that you should get rid of the bugs now.

We Offer the Solution to Bed Bugs

We do not want you to suffer anymore so the moment that you contact us, you can expect that we can get rid of any type of bed bug infestation. It does not matter whether the situation is small or serious. We make sure that bed bug removal will be done successfully for your convenience and comfort.

Several Bed Bug Treatments

Our bed bug removal can be done in varying degrees depending on the treatments that you would like us to do. We make sure to detect how bad the infestation is first before we will recommend a bed bug treatment which we believe can completely eradicate your bed bugs from your home effectively.

Bed Bug Removal

You Can Contact Us Now

Bed bug removal should not take a long time and you should not be too stressed over it especially since we can help you out. We can assure you that our team is professional in doing bed bug removal. At the same time, our team is well trained into doing all the different treatments that will eventually get rid of the bed bugs from your own home.

We can also help in preventing the resurgence of bed bugs in your home. You can contact us now for more details about bed bug removal plus the other pest control services that we offer.

Lady Bugs- Good or Bad?

Ladybug in yard in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

lady bugs

Lady Beetles, often called lady bugs, are not considered true bugs or insects. They include more than 5,000 species worldwide, with more than 450 native to North America. They are about a quarter of an inch long, are oval or dome-shaped and are usually yellow, orange, or scarlet with small black spots on their wing covers. Their legs, head and antennae are black.


There is a myth about lady bugs that says the spots on their backs indicate their age. Actually, the size and shape of the spots indicate the species of the beetle. They are also a topic of a popular nursery rhymes. Ladybird, Ladybird.


They are drawn to home vegetable gardens in search of food, primarily soft-bodied insects such as aphids and scale. These voracious eaters are anything but ladylike. Planting angelica or scented geraniums might also help attract Lady bugs to your garden.


Aphids and scale are harmful to ornamental and vegetable crops, and lady bugs are a natural way of controlling these pests. In fact, the lady bug most frequently seen in American gardens is the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, which was introduced by USDA Agricultural Research scientists in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a biological control agent for soft-bodied insects. You can actually purchase lady bugs if you like.


The only need to control lady bugs is when they enter your house, where the walls mimic the vertical cliffs where they overwinter in their home countries. The best way to keep them outdoors is to seal cracks and crevices and to make sure that doors, windows and screens have a tight seal. They want harm you or your family but can become a nuisance.


We at Southern Pest Control hope that you enjoyed this information. We have been serving this Mississippi Gulf Coast area for over 35 years. All members of our staff are professionals and have received the needed training to safely rid your home and office of unwanted pests.


Please call us at 800 527-9832 when a pest control or termite issue arises.

Beg Bugs – What you should know.

Bed bug on skin in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control

Bed bugs

Despite their role in an adorable bedtime proverb, bed bugs are pesky little pests. They sneak into your bed, your furniture, even your carpet, and while you sleep or watch TV, they bite you. The next morning, you’re left wondering why you’re red and itchy.

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped insects. They do not have wings and rely on humans to carry them from one place to the next. Bed bugs are a reddish-brown color and can be between 1 and 7 millimeters. They feed on blood from humans or animals, and they’re most active at night, feeding on their victims while they sleep.

What do bed bug bites look like?

Some people will not experience a reaction to a bed bug bite at all. Those that do experience symptoms of a bite are likely to experience one or more of the following:

  • a bite with a red, swollen area and a dark red center
  • bites in a line or grouped together in a small area
  • blisters or hives at the bite site

Bites can happen anywhere on the body. Most commonly they occur on areas of skin that are exposed while sleeping, such as the face, arms, legs, and hands.

What are the symptoms of a bed bug bite?

Bed bug bites don’t always appear immediately after you’re bitten. They sometimes take a few days to begin causing symptoms. It should also be noted that bed bugs don’t come out to feed every single night. In fact, they can go several days without eating. It may take a few weeks to notice that your bites are part of a larger pattern.

Bed bug bites are often very itchy. You may experience a burning sensation on the skin several days after you’ve been bitten. You won’t feel the bugs bite you because they excrete a tiny amount of anesthesia into your body before they bite.

If you scratch the bite, you may cause a secondary infection that can lead to swelling and bleeding.

What other bites resemble a bed bug bite?

Good news: Unlike many other biting bugs, bed bugs do not transmit diseases when they bite you. The biggest problem bed bug bites pose is that they are likely to cause a skin infection around the bite site as a result of excessive itching and scratching. You may also be more likely to experience insomnia as a result of worrying that you will be bitten again.

If you are allergic to a bed bug’s bite, you may experience more dramatic symptoms. The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite include engorged bite marks, painful swelling and burning at the bite site, and in rare cases, an anaphylactic response.

If I have them in my home, how will I know?

Bed bugs like to hide where you sleep. If you find bites and suspect bed bugs, search around for them. You may not see the bugs themselves, but you might see tiny black dots (their droppings) or red smears, signs they’ve been biting you.

Most common hiding sites for bed bugs in your home:

  • bed frame
  • headboard
  • mattress
  • box springs
  • pillows
  • bed skirts
  • in the crevices and seams of furniture
  • in carpeting at baseboards or under furniture
  • in curtains or other fabrics


This information came from the healthline website. We at Southern Pest Control hope that this information helps you have a better understanding of bed bugs. We have been helping people like you get rid of beg bugs in their homes for many years. We use an environmental safe process to eliminate these pests from your home. Please call us at 800 527-9832 to schedule your free estimate.