Mice Rats Squirrels a Problem

Rodents in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control
Mice Rats Squirrels

Pests like cockroaches, ants, mice, and mosquitoes are annoying pests, but usually only during certain months of the year. Our heat wave and heavy rainfall keeps a lot of pests that usually go away come fall and winter still hanging around. But in the colder months these 2 pests are always a possible problem to deal with- Mice Rats Squirrels

  • Mice and Rats

Mice and rats will seek shelter and warmth during the cold winter months. They can fit through very small openings so eliminating entry points is an effective way at preventing them from coming into your home. Here are some helpful tips.

Eliminating food and water sources is also effective.

Replace damaged roof tiles and fill any cracks in the roofing cement.

Keep your attics and garages tidy and clutter free.

Store your items in plastic containers versus cardboard.

Store food in airtight containers and don’t leave any dirty dishes in the sink. Empty your trash regularly and make sure trash can lids are secure. Don’t leave trash bags out in the open.

Clean countertops, stoves, and behind the fridge regularly and sweep and vacuum often.

Don’t leave pet food out overnight and seal unused pet food in airtight containers. Replace weather-stripping on windows and doors.

  • Squirrels

They like to frequent attics and chimneys to make their nests. Cover chimneys with chimney caps. Keep shrubbery trimmed away from the house and cut down overhanging limbs. Replace rotting wood and seal any entry points including where pipes and utilities come into the home and overhanging eaves. You may need to have a professional check for all the possible entry spots because once they come in for the winter, it becomes a duel problem. One getting them out safely and two repairing any damage they may do to wires, etc. in your attic.

We at Southern Pest Control can eliminate either of these pests before an infestation occurs in your home. We have been serving the Gulf Coast for over 38 years with well trained professionals. Please visit our website at www.southernpestcontrol.biz to meet our team and learn about all the services we offer. We are proud to be a member of many local community organizations in the Gulf Coast Region.

Mold In Crawl Spaces

Moldy Crawlspace in the Mississippi gulf coast; Southern Pest Control
mold in crawl spaces

Mold in Crawl Spaces -Crawl spaces are as vulnerable to mold growth as any part of your home due to the high moisture and humidity levels often found in these spaces.

Why is moisture accumulation so common in crawl spaces? Consider the location of the crawl space: it sits underneath your home right on top of the earth as your home’s foundation. Soil and dirt from the earth contain moisture. And moisture is one of two requirements for mold growth (the other being a food source such as the wood found in crawl space sub flooring). And since moisture forms so easily in confined areas, dirt crawl spaces are regular mold breeding grounds.

Moisture from dirt normally will evaporate into the atmosphere but can get trapped in a closed area like a crawl space. When moisture is not vented to the outside, it can start to condense on foundation walls or subflooring, which can be especially a problem if the sub flooring is wood (wood is a food source for mold).

Two other points to keep in mind about crawl spaces:

  1. Air travels from bottom to top. Thus, any moisture formed in crawl spaces will be carried by the moist air upwards to your living spaces naturally (or mechanically through the HVAC system), which can lead to mold growth beyond just the crawl space.
  1. You do not need standing water in crawl spaces to trigger mold growth. High humidity levels (above 60%) are enough to cause crawl space mold growth; And high humidity levels are very common in crawl spaces even in the absence of flooding!

At Southern Pest Control we offer CrawlSpace Care.

CrawlSpace Care is a system that was developed for closing and protecting your home’s crawl space. Using innovative technology, the CrawlSpace Care system reduces moisture underneath your home, which can lead to low energy bills and improved indoor air quality.

The CrawlSpace Care system protects your home from the bottom up and controls moisture with:

  • High quality reinforced vapor liner to cover the ground and walls
  • Taped seams
  • Sealed foundation vents
  • Mechanical drying

With CrawlSpace Care, you’re protected against:

  • Condensational moisture
  • High levels of humidity
  • Ground moisture vapor
  • Moisture intrusion from inside of the foundation walls

The air in the crawlspace will be cleaner, improving the air quality in your home. You can even monitor the conditions of your crawlspace right from the comfort of your home with the thermo-hygrometer.

Call us at Southern Pest Control at 800 527-9832 to set up a free estimate to learn more about treating molds issue in your crawl space area and learn more about CrawlSpace Care. Also visit our website www.southernpestcontrol.biz  to meet our team and review all our services.